Monday, July 8, 2024

10/6/22 Journal

 Journal Entry draft 10/6/2022

It's been 6 years since I wrote the last journal draft. I haven't been keeping a journal anywhere else for the reasons I expressed in my 2016 entry. It's interesting to see how much has changed since those entries were written. And how much is still the same. 

One big change in my understanding has been realizing that both Harry and I are neuro-Atypical, which explains so much. Most of what I was attributing to his upbringing is actually classic High Functioning Asperger's Syndrome,   I've known about this for about two years now and it has helped a lot to know these things are neurological. I didn't learn anything new about how he was, I already had that pretty well figured out, but now I know the why and it helps me be more patient with him and with the limitations he has in having social and personal relationships, and also explains the relentless obsessions with projects and things to be researched and acquired in endless amounts until the focus changes to something else. 

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