Monday, December 15, 2014

Storm Waves on the North Shore

I don't have a lot to say on this entry. We left the Macadamia plantation and headed around to the North shore to get a look at the waves coming in from the storm. The North Shore is where the big surf is in the winter on Oahu, and with the wind up, perhaps the waves would be on the bigger side. When we found a place where we could park next to a beach, I hopped out and started taking photos.

I was so puzzled when Harry stayed in the car with the motor running and the AC on full blast. It was 76 degrees and windy, and the temperature was comfortable. I had goose bumps in the car the whole time because he kept the AC on and the fan up. I couldn't understand why, when the waves were so awesome and the sound so impressive, he would choose to stay in the car with the doors closed and look at it through the windows.  It was possible to get down as close as you wanted to the surf as long as you didn't get in the water. I stayed behind the safety tape, but still was able to get great photos and video. I'll let the images speak for themselves. I'm not sure how high the waves were, but they were impressive.

These guys didn't care what the sign said...They paddled out pretty far before they started catching waves so I wasn't able to get very good photos of them surfing. 

You can get an idea of the wind from the spray that was blowing back from the tops of the waves

We got back to our hotel just before sunset and had Steak with vegetables and salad that we picked up earlier at the Times Market before we headed up the Windward coast. Harry says the Times stores elsewhere on the island have more variety of sides and give three sides instead of two for the same price. 

We watched some evening TV, several last year's episodes of Downten Abbey before settling in. Harry is back to work tomorrow...

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